Thursday, October 22, 2015

Why I cut down on Milk!

Let me start by saying we used to buy 2 gallons of milk each week. We use milk on an average for drinking in the morning and  cereal.
I was out of milk on a particular day  I landed from India. I wanted something hot in the morning to feel fresh. I found some Pomegranate tea bags from +Trader Joe's . I poured some boiling water in a mug with a tea bag, let it steep for about 3 minutes and when I drank it, I felt very refreshed. Also that day I made oats in water with a dash of honey. I felt the oats that day had a smoother texture and seemed like it had absorbed a lot of water(which is good!).  And yes, did I tell you I felt so much more light on my stomach.   So the next day  again I  followed the same routine. I pushed buying milk for a few days and it worked. Now I happily have either Lipton green tea ,Trader Joe's pomegranate or ginger-pear tea in the morning and add milk occasionally to oats or use it on days I have cereal for breakfast. From buying 2 times a week. Now we buy once in two weeks. Am happy to be saving some money there and also I like how it feels to have a big mug full of hot refreshing  tea in the morning.
There are multiple flavors of white tea available in  +Trader Joe's  and I love most of them. I shall review some of the flavors in a separate post.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go! It's a healthy option to cut down on milk.

    I can never drink tea in the morning. BRU is my favorite. But trying to transition to regular coffee with less milk.
