Introspection is the best quality in man, we introspect either by default or consciously. Any which ways I feel introspecting is that aspect that helps you improve or do better. I subconsciously introspect but its never a conscious scheduled event and I don't have to sit in a quiet place for this. Introspection happens even as am engaged in a certain activity or mostly its just in the back of the head and I never put it down in as many words. If I feel I need to improve I just try to work on that but the real problem with that is there is no tangible measurement to see if I have really improved. Also its like a loose rope, you can twist and twirl it the way you want. But there are certain things I wanted to change recently and I thought I can use the blogging platform to firm up my thoughts and also use it as a tool to motivate and make myself accountable . So here I go with the challenges to self:
I have always had this problem of not being able to eat on time ever since I started cooking. Either its the waiting game with S (my husband) or its just because am held up with work and food always takes the back seat, For the past few weeks I have been trying to have lunch by 12:30 and have been able to achieve that so far. I now also want to add that I should have Breakfast between 7:00 am - 7:30am (its usually 8:30am when I have my breakfast and tea) and dinner by 8:30 am. I also intend to eat at least one fruit in between. I also want to get into the habit of drinking detoxifying juice every night before bed.
Not eating on time in a weird way is connected to sleeping on time. You are hungry and then u eat a lot at night and then u struggle to sleep or you just want to eat a small sized meal at night and starve because you are up late into the night. Uff this is a vicious cycle. So I want to sleep by 11:30 and this applies to weekends too. I wake up by 7 so I guess that's good enough!
Another habit that I want to change is constantly being dragged to social media websites. Ofcourse some of them are used productively but most of the times its just used for browsing. I want to check and see if am able to bring my browsing time to 45 mins a day. I will split this through the day. This will include all browsing websites and not just social media.
Lastly, I also want to challenge my self is to spend 20 mins whether its a weekday or not in cleaning the house. It could be just dusting or scrubbing the kitchen counter. Doing daily chores is common. But I think the cleaning work just piles for weekends and I just carry it on my head and I hate to have incomplete task in hand. So here I go with the 20 min cleaning challenge.
That sums up the challenges I have made to self! I hope to be able to these and give a pat on my back! :P :)